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mIRC 6.17

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mIRC 6.17  Cambio de registro

  • Fixed $comval() gpf bug.
  • Fixed /font gpf bug.
  • Fixed menu {} rclick related bug.
  • Fixed numeric 338 remote bug.
  • Fixed recursion stack overflow gpf bug.
  • Fixed /.uwho message not being hidden.
  • Fixed /close gpf bug in on close event.
  • Fixed ! command prefix bug when used with certain commands.
  • Added support for IRCnet numeric 265/266 format change.
  • Fixed handling of URL formats in hotlinks.
  • Fixed remote /whois display bug.
  • Fixed switchbar status highlight bug with orphaned dcc chats.
  • Fixed perform on connect listbox not displaying scrollbar.
  • Fixed auto-join bug.
  • Added support for unreal ircd /whois numeric 671.
  • Most file dialogs are now resizable.
  • Fixed SSL file dialog display bug.
  • Added support for numeric 005 NAMESX token, indicating that mIRC supports multiple mode prefixes for a nickname in a NAMES list, eg. @+nickname.
  • Fixed disappearing background pictures bug in query/chat windows.
  • Added /sockopen -e switch which creates an SSL connection and $sock().ssl identifier.
  • Added /tray -mNsNtNaN switches where N is 0 or 1 and enables or disables the tray settings always show, startup minimized, minimize to tray, and animate on activity.
  • Added $decode to Lock options dialog. Lock dialog now also allows individual setting of lock items. $decode is disabled by default.
  • Fixed ANSI support for MOTD message.
  • Added default sounds options to notify options dialog.
  • Added $mouse.key & 8 to check for ALT key and $mouse.key & 16 to check for right mouse button.
  • Added $inellipse(x,y,x,y,w,h) and $inroundrect(x,y,x,y,w,h,w,h).
  • Added /sockpause [-r] command, pauses/restarts a socket from reading incoming data. $sock().pause returns current state.
  • Added connection timeout option in connect/options dialog, PINGs the server every so often to test connection.
  • Added /dcc send -m switch to minimize dcc send windows.
  • Fixed script recursion gpf bug.
  • Fixed $inpaste bug.
  • /hsave -b now displays a warning when it is unable to save data that is longer than 65535 bytes.
  • Fixed isnum bug with negative values.
  • Added global Join on connect option to favorites dialog.
  • The Hide ping? pong! event option is now enabled by default.
  • Fixed ordering of notify/unotify events on non-WATCH servers during a /nick change.
  • Added support for initiating passive dcc send/chat connections, option in DCC Options dialog. Also added /dcc passive [on|off] command and $passivedcc identifier.
  • Added $locked identifier, returns whether mIRC is locked or not.
  • Fixed $target processing for /msg +#channel, mIRC now correctly checks the CHANTYPES and PREFIX numeric 005 tokens to strip prefixes.
  • Fixed formatting of outgoing wallchops/users/voices.
  • Changed flood protection feature so that it uses PING instead of PRIVMSG when testing server lag.
  • Added custom dialog listbox property check, creates listbox of checkboxes, manipulated with /did -sl and $did().csel/cstate.
  • Added $window().fontcs identifier, returns the selected character set/script for a window\'s font.
  • /debug windows now show raw text without interpreting multibyte or utf text.
  • Changing the default font for a window type now affects all open windows of the same type immediately.
  • Fixed SSL files path bug where certificate files where not being loaded if not in mIRC root folder.
  • Fixed :error handler bug where the normal break message was being displayed due to Control+Break being detected more than once.
  • Added support for display of UTF-8 text as unicode in status, channel, query, and other windows, and in nickname listboxes, window titlebars, switchbar, and tooltips.

    The display of UTF-8 can be enabled for all windows in the Options/IRC/Messages dialog, or individually for each window via the Fonts dialog. The Fonts dialog also has an Encode\r option that encodes outgoing text in UTF-8 based on the script/codepage selected for that window.
    Note: The Encode feature is selective, ie. it only encodes the parts of an outgoing message that are not already in UTF-8 format.

    Added $utfencode(text, C) and $utfdecode(text, C), where C is the script/codepage ($window().fontcs) of the plain text.

    Added $isutf(text) identifier, returns UTF-8 status of text, where 0 = not UTF-8 (contains invalid UTF-8 sequences), 1 = seems to be plain text, 2 = seems to contain valid UTF-8.
    Note: mIRC does not convert incoming UTF-8 into the local codepage. Server text is stored internally unchanged. This enables mIRC (scripts, etc.) to work fully with UTF-8 IRC servers that allow UTF-8 in channel and nick names.

  • Fixed /load -nrs switch bug.
  • Fixed DCC Options dialog gpf bug.
  • Fixed mark/copy clipboard memory leak bugs.
  • Fixed $encode/$decode memory not being freed in some situations.
  • Added $qt(text) identifier, ensures text is enclosed in quotes, and $noqt(text), removes outer enclosing quotes.
  • Text display is now smoother/less flickery in some situations.
  • Fixed /drawpic bug drawing blurred icons.
  • Added /drawpic -g switch, loads large icon from icon file.
  • Fixed handling of /describe $ server messages.
  • Fixed buffer save bug, was ocasionally not saving lines.
  • Fixed $sdir() bug.
  • Fixed /bread, /bwrite, and /btrunc not being able to handle files larger than 2 gigs.
  • Fixed toolbar custom buttons bug when changing XP themes.
  • Fixed /debug -i identifier evaluation bug.
  • Fixed channel tab completion freeze bug.
  • Fixed $file().size bug with locked files.
  • Fixed /renwin bug with reserved @window names.
  • Fixed mIRC tray icon double-click bug not showing/hiding mIRC correctly in some cases.
  • Fixed tray-related disappearing mIRC bug.
  • Fixed $script() not parsing quote-enclosed filenames.
  • Fixed wildcard handling bugs.
  • Fixed /window -z bug, can no longer be applied to status window.
  • Fixed contents of second editbox being reset when visual styles are changed.
  • Fixed . prefix not working for /localinfo command.
  • Fixed invalid { parameter gpf bug in $eval, $height, $width, and $wrap identifiers.
  • Fixed while loop bug with :error and /reseterror.
  • Fixed various $comcall() bugs. The $comerr value is also now set when $comcall() calls the alias.

    Note: If $comcall() fails when calling an object and $com() does not, this means that the object is not compatible with mIRC\'s threading model, so $com() must be used.

  • Extended $findfile() to handle multiple file types separated by semi-colons, eg. *.exe;*.txt
  • Fixed display of Efnet numeric 338 containing IPv6 address.
  • Improved hotlink handling of bracket-enclosed channel names.
  • Fixed switchbar button text color not matching XP theme color.
  • Fixed /goto bug which resulted in jumping to the wrong line.
  • Fixed $com() memory leak bug.
  • Fixed various $did() bugs affecting multsel listboxes.
  • Fixed $iif() bug when parsing $null parameters.
  • Fixed DCC gpf bug in iphlpapi.dll where initiating a DCC would result in a crash for some users. This bug may also have been affecting mIRC\'s general sockets behaviour.
  • The $asctime() identifier now allows am/pm to be separate from the time value.
  • Fixed text-wrapping of messages for /fopen-related commands.
  • /firewall command now also accepts server:port format.
  • Added /autojoin -nsdN command, can be used in on CONNECT or perform to delay or prevent autojoining of channels. This also affects the rejoining of open channel windows during a reconnect. Where -n = join now, -s = skip autojoin, -dN = delay autojoin for N seconds.
  • Fixed multithreading sychnronization bugs in SSL routines.
  • Fixed /queryrn not permitting certain characters in nickname.
  • Fixed if/elseif/while gpf bug when parameters too long.
  • Updated libraries to PNG 1.2.8, zlib 1.2.3, and PCRE v6.4.
  • The SSL warning/password dialogs now auto-cancel after 60 seconds.
  • Fixed /aline -n and -nl, now identical behaviour if line exists, ie. both have no effect on the line. This also affects /iline.
  • Fixed /list bug, now reports an error if /list is sent before you are connected to the server.
  • Fixed mIRC not saving settings when Windows shutsdown/restarts.
  • Fixed switchbar tooltip display bug.
  • Fixed $bfind(&binvar, N, M) bugs relating to reading beyond the end of the actual &binvar length.
  • Fixed $input() \'d\' option, was playing a default sound even if none was set for the specified system icon.
  • Added support for displaying GIFs via the GIFLIB library.
  • Added $findfilen/$finddirn identifiers, return Nth position of files/dirs found with $findfile/$finddir.
  • Can now specify a range of ids with one /did command by using a dash, eg. /did -b test 1-5,6,7-8,9-11,10
  • Added separate timestamp option for logfiles in logging dialog /timestamp -g switch to set logstamp format, and $logstamp and $logstampfmt identifiers.
  • Extended $sound() to read id3v2 tags, with properties .id3, .tags, and $sound(filename,N|name).tag. If you don\'t use .tag, it returns the id3v1 values.
  • Extended /flash -bNrNwN, where N limits the number of flashes/beeps, and fixed /flash making a sound even if -b or -w were not used.
  • Fixed DCC Send/Get window button/window sizing when different fonts are selected for the window.
  • Extended $input(text,kN), where kN is an N second timeout value. On timing out, $timeout is returned if \'v\' is specified, no value if \'e\' is specified, and $false otherwise.
  • Added custom dialog editbox \'number\' property to limit input to numbers. Note that this only applies to typing in the editbox, not pasting.
  • Added /noop command, performs no operation.
  • Extended /showmirc -ntl, where -l locks mIRC when it is being minimized.
  • Added $regsubex([name], text, re, subtext), where subtext is evaluated during substitution and can be an identifier. Subtext can contain special markers where \\0 = number of matches, \\n = match number, \\t = match text, \\a = all match items. Returns text result.
  • Fixed fill switchbar display bug with /window -z windows.
  • Fixed parsing bug with combinations of $& and | separator.
  • Fixed /timer not checking for an invalid timer delay value.
  • Fixed /url not opening default browser in some situations.
  • Added /set/inc/dec -e switch, unsets variable on mIRC exit.
  • Extended /window and $window(), can now refer to existing windows using wid value, eg. /window -n @1.
  • Fixed $line() not parsing chat =names correctly.
  • Fixed if parser treating 00 as text instead of a zero value.
  • Fixed $upper/$lower not converting accented characters correctly.
  • Fixed udpread event treating zero incoming bytes as closing of the connection.
  • Fixed broken behaviour of notify list /whois option due to Efnet not accepting /whois nick1,nick2,... format.
  • Changing the font for a DCC Send/Get window now immediately resizes the window and buttons.
  • Fixed if/while parsing bug when parameter begins with ; character.
  • Fixed on OPEN event not supporting $()/%var in text match section.
  • Fixed $regsub() not reporting an error if an invalid %varname is specified.
  • Added support for numeric 005 UHNAMES token, indicating that mIRC supports the nick!user@host format in the NAMES list which it uses to the fill the IAL on joining a channel.
  • Using /halt in the alias called by $findfile/$finddir now halts the file/dir search.
  • Added support for /adchat, /netglobal, and /globops commands.
  • Added $bytes(N,d) switch, retains decimals. Also fixed handling of negative values.
  • Added support for numeric 345 channel invite message.
  • Editor variables sort button now toggles between four different sort methods.
  • Extended the number of url types that the hotlinks/URLs list features handle.
  • Added support for internal excepts/invites list with $chan().iel and .iil, $iel() and $iil(), and if isexcept and isinvite.
  • Added Line colors option to logging dialog, prefixes the line with actual line color in logfile if necessary.
  • Fixed intermittent load/reload scripts gpf bug.
  • Added support for numeric 005 TARGMAX=WHOIS:N token, number of nicknames that a /whois command allows.
  • Fixed favorites menu bug with recent channels and active server connections.
  • Calling /clipboard with no text now empties the clipboard instead of assigning it an empty string.
  • Fixed highlight feature bug when matching against non-ascii text.
  • Fixed nick color list option not using first matching item in the list when matching against a user level.
  • Fixed intermittent /dialog gpf bug with long table names.
  • Fixed parser bug when handling empty custom identifiers with properties.
  • Fixed $longip() handling of zero-padded ip addresses.
  • Fixed DCC Folders dialog bug where items added with mIRC folder as the save folder were being lost on restart.
  • Fixed timestamp display bug in copy messages to query option.
  • Fixed /timers triggering in an unexpected order, should now trigger according to the order in which they were set even if they have the same delay.
  • Since numeric 005 ELIST token now exists, from the next version mIRC will no longer treat SAFELIST as implying support for /list parameters and will only use /list parameters if a server specifies the ELIST token in numeric 005.
  • Fixed $prop returning only the last part of a property name that contains multiple . in the name.
  • Fixed mime decoding not ignoring non-base64 characters.
  • Fixed $ini() returning 0 instead of $null for non-existent topics.
  • Added support for more genres to mp3 identifiers.
  • Fixed /rename bug when attempting to rename an existing file with the same name.
  • Fixed custom @window logfiles not rotating filenames correctly at midnight as with channel/chat windows.
  • Improved handling of ANSI color codes.
  • Fixed /comopen and /comclose not triggering error catcher if item was already open/closed.
  • Both $regsub() and $regsubex() no longer treat $N as \\N.
  • Extended /filter -e to handle larger numbers when sorting.
  • Fixed /did -ocueb not working on submenu items.
  • Fixed /loadbuf display bug with custom dialog hidden controls.
  • File dialogs now display the places bar under 2k/XP.
  • Switchbar now allows wider buttons when placed on left/right.
  • Fixed /splay bug with path/extension handling.
  • Added Show nick list on Shift+Tab key option to channel nick list options dialog.

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