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mIRC 5.02
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mIRC 5.02 Cambio de registro
- Fixed Alt-Gr key for non-UK/US keyboards.
- Fixed joining a channel in channel folder.
- Perform section now performs after MOTD is completely processed, and the Channels Folder now pops up after the perform section is completed.
- Now handles numeric 437 Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable.
- Fixed long server version bug (yeesh).
- Added .ln property to $sline() to return line number of selected item.
- Fixed /aline/rline bug when a colour is specified.
- Can now specify colour number without the -c prefix for /aline, /iline, and /rline.
- Fixed bugs in !nick filename.
- Fixed $scriptdir in on LOAD/START events.
- Fixed loadbuf/savebuf gpf with invalid parameters.
- Now uses a tabbed dialog for aliases/popups/remote so you can switch between them easily.
- Now adds lines to custom windows using ormal text colour.
- Can now use nickname in $query(), returns $null if not in query with nickname.
- Improved Control-Tab routine for tabbed dialogs.
- Fixed ! remote halt suffix bug.
- Improved Find Text routine in APR dialog.
- Fixed an old bug in the {} bracket counting routine.
- Added a {} button to APR dialog to check if the {} count in the current script is correct.
- Fixed mIRCLink INI file bug.
- Changed toolbar appearance, also toolbar button colours now appear correctly under different colour setups.
- Changed switchbar appearance, also added mini-icons to buttons.
- Fixed /sline command.
- Fixed /play not allowing following commands to be processed.
- Fixed up/down keys in custom window editbox.
- Improved /loadbuf and /savebuf, can now specify a range of lines.
eg. /loadbuf 5-25 @moo moo.txt
/savebuf 1-50 @moo moo.txt - Fixed Next/Timestamp conflict in system menu.
- Fixed finger server problem with unix fingers (?)
- Can now use %variable for menuITEM or menuTITLE, if the variable is not defined, the menu item or entire submenu is not displayed.
- Changed popup menu routines in various places to accomodate the next.
- Added menu prefix for use in scripts. Allows you to add sub-menus to the standard menus:
menu status {
You can also add sub-menus to the channel, query, nicklist, and menubar popups. All loaded scripts are scanned for menus to add. For custom windows you can use:
menu @window {
[dclick /command]
You can specify @window as the popup filename when creating the window with the /window command. The dclick specifies the command that should be performed when a user double-clicks in a @window.
The line-number of the line that was clicked is in $1 for listboxes. - Directory displayed to a user in a fileserver now appears as a root directory instead of the full directory path on the HD.
- Added $version identifier which returns the mIRC version number
- Added /ctcpreply
[message] command. - Fixed /unload -rs switch.
- Added fixed width buttons switchbar option.
- Fixed bug in Installation Program which was resulting in mIRC reporting an install error for some people.
- Added -s switch to /aline, /iline, and /rline, to select the line that was just added, or if you want currently selected lines to remain selected you can specify the -a switch instead.
- Fixed memory bug when processing lines in listboxes.
- Can now also use Alt+APR to switch quickly between tabs in the editor dialog.
- Added $mircini and $ddename identifiers.
- Now checks for and prevents double-separators in popup menus.
- DCC Send/Get switchbar buttons now turn light grey when the transfer has finished.
- Optimized DCC Send/Get switchbar buttons progress display routine.
- Fixed /window [x y [w h]] bug.
- Fixed text bolding in mark/copy.
- mIRC now converts old remote .ini files when they are loaded, each section is loaded and automatically converted. Removed convert menu option. Same for /load command.
- Added on DISCONNECT event, eg.: on 1:DISCONNECT:/echo *gack!*
- Tooltips should now display correctly under different setups.
- Fixed small connect retry bug.
- Fixed window sizing problems when main mirc window is minimized.
- If show queries in active window is checked, private actions now appear correctly in a channel window.
- Added .mrc script file extension to the file dialogs extensions list.
- Added colours toolbar button.
- Can now get and read long filenames in fileserver.
- When you press a function key and all windows are minimized, mIRC defaults to using the status window.
- Fixed gpf bug with on start/load/connect combo and /loading files. The on connect event now triggers *after* normal processing of the End of MOTD raw event.
- Fixed $readini -n switch.
mIRC 5.02 Imágenes
mIRC 5 Construye
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- mIRC
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- mIRC 6.31
- mIRC 6.3
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- mIRC 6.15
- mIRC 6.14
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- mIRC 6.1
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- mIRC 6.02
- mIRC 6.0
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- mIRC 5.61
- mIRC 5.6
- mIRC 5.51
- mIRC 5.5
- mIRC 5.41
- mIRC 5.4
- mIRC 5.31
- mIRC 5.3
- mIRC 5.11
- mIRC 5.1
- mIRC 5.0
- mIRC 4.72
- mIRC 4.7
- mIRC 4.6
- mIRC 4.52
- mIRC 4.5
- mIRC 4.1
- mIRC 4.0
- mIRC 3.92
- mIRC 3.9
- mIRC 3.8
- mIRC 3.72
- mIRC 3.7
- mIRC 3.64
- mIRC 3.6
- mIRC 3.51
- mIRC 3.5
- mIRC 3.42
- mIRC 3.4
- mIRC 3.2
- mIRC 3.1
- mIRC 3.0
- mIRC 2.7a
- mIRC 2.5a
- mIRC 2.4a
- mIRC 2.1a
- mIRC 2.1
mIRC Comentarios