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Notepad++ 5.0.0

2,512 Descargas

Notepad++ 5.0.0 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Notepad++ 5.0.0  Cambio de registro

  • Improve Notepad++ performance - on startup and on exit.
  • Add Calltip capacity.
  • Add HTML/XML tag match highlighting.
  • All the menu commands can be added in context menu, including plugins\\\' commands, macros and user defined commands.
  • Add bookmarked lines operations : delete all marked lines, copy all marked lines into clipboard, cut all marked lines into clipboard, paste from clipboard to replace all marked lines content.
  • Add rename and delete current document features.
  • Fix crash bug : Open files with date pre-1970.
  • Fix clone mode bug : now the actions done in one view will be synchronized in the cloned view.
  • Add tooltips in document tab to display the full file name path.
  • Change hide lines behaviour : Hide lines now saved during switches.
  • Change file history list behaviour : Most recent closed file is on the top. Add number on list.
  • Caret width and blink rate are customizable.
  • Add asterisk in title bar if file is dirty.
  • The bookmarks\\\' look & feel are improved.
  • Add \"Select all\" and \"copy\" context menu items in Find in files results window.
  • Fix goto line with command line bug.
  • Improve smart highlight / mark all / incremental search highlight all visibility
  • Tabbar\\\'s coulours is configurable via Stylers Configurator(Active tab Text, Inactive tab text, Inactive tab background, Active tab focused indicator and Active tab unfocused indicator).
  • Add the smart highlight file size limit - 1.5 MB in order to improve the performance.
  • Add exception handling (dumping filedata).
  • Fix go to line command line bug.
  • Enhance Find in files and Find in all opened files features\\\' performance.
  • Fix dialog off screen problem under multi-monitor environment.

Notepad++ 5 Construye

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