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uTorrent 1.6 RC1
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uTorrent 1.6 RC1 Cambio de registro
- Feature: Ability to filter files in torrent creator
- Feature: Add a move to top/down button or key
- Feature: Add a way to make µt startup in bosskey mode
- Feature: Add a way to set the upload/download cap through system tray
- Feature: Add an option to reset bans
- Feature: Add remaining HD space in the BC-style dialog
- Feature: Added "Completed On" column
- Feature: Added a way to delete the internal peerlist
- Feature: Added bandwidth priority and tracker status column
- Feature: Added button to reset disk stats
- Feature: Added graphical progress bar in main list
- Feature: Added option to allow multiple connections from same IP.
- Feature: Added option to bypass the Nanotorrent search redirect.
- Feature: Added option to open download bar when doubleclicking a torrent
- Feature: Allow torrents in list to be renamed
- Feature: Better graph controls
- Feature: Change label from the torrent properties dialog
- Feature: Delete torrents to trash
- Feature: Disk statistics
- Feature: Draggable download bars separate from the main window
- Feature: Enable scheduler from tray
- Feature: Make shift + delete key remove torrent + data
- Feature: New disk cache settings
- Feature: Open containing folder selects the item
- Feature: Open the folder if you click on the tray popup when a download is finished
- Feature: Pause in tetris
- Feature: Proxy for peer connections
- Feature: RSS update interval
- Feature: Remember waste/hashfails across sessions
- Feature: Removing torrent will remove partfile
- Feature: Set default action for delete button (right click on it and hold shift)
- Feature: Setup outgoing port to bind to
- Feature: Show a warning if no disk space when moving a complete torrent
- Feature: Show a warning in the add dialog if the torrent doesn't fit on the drive
- Feature: Show speed in title bar
- Feature: Show speed limits in status bar
- Feature: Shutdown/hibernate when downloads complete
- Feature: Standby when torrents complete
- Feature: Torrent create dialog remembers the previous settings
- Feature: add proxy authorization for http proxys
- Change: 'min interval' was misspelled.
- Change: Added buttons to select all / deselect in the add dialog
- Change: Added option not to connect to port 25 or 110
- Change: Auto Shutdown Windows available from a menu
- Change: Better uPnP support with certain routers
- Change: Change so it always shows 3 digits in sizes.
- Change: Changed connections for the 384k speed
- Change: Delay firewall opening a little to help problem where utorrent starts faster than the firewall.
- Change: Don't delete torrents from list if the torrentfile wasn't found
- Change: Don't resolve peer ips by default
- Change: Don't switch between green/yellow icon too often
- Change: Don't use
- Change: Edit button in RSS feeds window
- Change: Enlarged dl bar a little
- Change: Fixed problem with piece counts sometimes getting wrong.
- Change: Fixed various language strings to be more consistent
- Change: Graphic progress bars enabled by default
- Change: If the file cannot be opened, delay a little while and try again.
- Change: Increased length of editbox for new labels
- Change: Modified algorihtm for giving extra upload slots
- Change: More dialogs are non-modal
- Change: Never request more than 50 chunks from a bitcomet peer
- Change: New UPnP code (works on all OSes)
- Change: Redesigned settings dialog (I still need icons for the categories)
- Change: Remember the last speed tab view mode
- Change: Resolve IPs is on by default, but only if the Peers tab is active.
- Change: Separate the tracker from the webui + webui settings
- Change: Show a message in the logger if the autoload is set to the same as the storage folder.
- Change: Show a warning dialog when auto shutting down
- Change: Show better error message when adding a torrent through URL and it can't be loaded
- Change: Show decimal in download bar
- Change: Speed in title bar is shown a little differently
- Change: Swapped UL/DL in download bar
- Change: Trim spaces from tracker url in create torrent dialog
- Change: Tweaked piece selection algorithm a little
- Change: num_wsa_events to control how many WSA EVENTS to allocate
- Change: peer.lazy_bitfield enabled by default.
- Fix: Auto shutdown on Win98 wasn't working
- Fix: Beta 453 would sometimes not delete files properly
- Fix: Bug in add dialog diskspace computation when selecting an item from the list
- Fix: Couldn't use Unicode characters with search box
- Fix: Don't allow blank filenames for single-file torrents (uses default name instead)
- Fix: Don't crash if popup menu is active while the active torrent is deselected
- Fix: Don't hang when deleting a torrent
- Fix: ESC doesn't minimize when editing a torrent label
- Fix: Fixed Win95 problems.
- Fix: Fixed a bunch of crash bugs.
- Fix: Fixed a few crash bugs
- Fix: Generals tab should flicker less
- Fix: Make the after crash re-check not re-check torrents that already finished in that session
- Fix: Never create torrents with more than 64k pieces.
- Fix: RSS Favorites list bug
- Fix: Resize some labels to make more space
- Fix: Setting upload/download limit uses the currently active limit
- Fix: Shift+Click now works properly in scheduler.
- Fix: Superseeding should work better
- Fix: The label entry box in the BC-style dialog is too short
- Fix: Wrap comments field
- Feature: Add a move to top/down button or key
- Feature: Add a way to make µt startup in bosskey mode
- Feature: Add a way to set the upload/download cap through system tray
- Feature: Add an option to reset bans
- Feature: Add remaining HD space in the BC-style dialog
- Feature: Added "Completed On" column
- Feature: Added a way to delete the internal peerlist
- Feature: Added bandwidth priority and tracker status column
- Feature: Added button to reset disk stats
- Feature: Added graphical progress bar in main list
- Feature: Added option to allow multiple connections from same IP.
- Feature: Added option to bypass the Nanotorrent search redirect.
- Feature: Added option to open download bar when doubleclicking a torrent
- Feature: Allow torrents in list to be renamed
- Feature: Better graph controls
- Feature: Change label from the torrent properties dialog
- Feature: Delete torrents to trash
- Feature: Disk statistics
- Feature: Draggable download bars separate from the main window
- Feature: Enable scheduler from tray
- Feature: Make shift + delete key remove torrent + data
- Feature: New disk cache settings
- Feature: Open containing folder selects the item
- Feature: Open the folder if you click on the tray popup when a download is finished
- Feature: Pause in tetris
- Feature: Proxy for peer connections
- Feature: RSS update interval
- Feature: Remember waste/hashfails across sessions
- Feature: Removing torrent will remove partfile
- Feature: Set default action for delete button (right click on it and hold shift)
- Feature: Setup outgoing port to bind to
- Feature: Show a warning if no disk space when moving a complete torrent
- Feature: Show a warning in the add dialog if the torrent doesn't fit on the drive
- Feature: Show speed in title bar
- Feature: Show speed limits in status bar
- Feature: Shutdown/hibernate when downloads complete
- Feature: Standby when torrents complete
- Feature: Torrent create dialog remembers the previous settings
- Feature: add proxy authorization for http proxys
- Change: 'min interval' was misspelled.
- Change: Added buttons to select all / deselect in the add dialog
- Change: Added option not to connect to port 25 or 110
- Change: Auto Shutdown Windows available from a menu
- Change: Better uPnP support with certain routers
- Change: Change so it always shows 3 digits in sizes.
- Change: Changed connections for the 384k speed
- Change: Delay firewall opening a little to help problem where utorrent starts faster than the firewall.
- Change: Don't delete torrents from list if the torrentfile wasn't found
- Change: Don't resolve peer ips by default
- Change: Don't switch between green/yellow icon too often
- Change: Don't use
- Change: Edit button in RSS feeds window
- Change: Enlarged dl bar a little
- Change: Fixed problem with piece counts sometimes getting wrong.
- Change: Fixed various language strings to be more consistent
- Change: Graphic progress bars enabled by default
- Change: If the file cannot be opened, delay a little while and try again.
- Change: Increased length of editbox for new labels
- Change: Modified algorihtm for giving extra upload slots
- Change: More dialogs are non-modal
- Change: Never request more than 50 chunks from a bitcomet peer
- Change: New UPnP code (works on all OSes)
- Change: Redesigned settings dialog (I still need icons for the categories)
- Change: Remember the last speed tab view mode
- Change: Resolve IPs is on by default, but only if the Peers tab is active.
- Change: Separate the tracker from the webui + webui settings
- Change: Show a message in the logger if the autoload is set to the same as the storage folder.
- Change: Show a warning dialog when auto shutting down
- Change: Show better error message when adding a torrent through URL and it can't be loaded
- Change: Show decimal in download bar
- Change: Speed in title bar is shown a little differently
- Change: Swapped UL/DL in download bar
- Change: Trim spaces from tracker url in create torrent dialog
- Change: Tweaked piece selection algorithm a little
- Change: num_wsa_events to control how many WSA EVENTS to allocate
- Change: peer.lazy_bitfield enabled by default.
- Fix: Auto shutdown on Win98 wasn't working
- Fix: Beta 453 would sometimes not delete files properly
- Fix: Bug in add dialog diskspace computation when selecting an item from the list
- Fix: Couldn't use Unicode characters with search box
- Fix: Don't allow blank filenames for single-file torrents (uses default name instead)
- Fix: Don't crash if popup menu is active while the active torrent is deselected
- Fix: Don't hang when deleting a torrent
- Fix: ESC doesn't minimize when editing a torrent label
- Fix: Fixed Win95 problems.
- Fix: Fixed a bunch of crash bugs.
- Fix: Fixed a few crash bugs
- Fix: Generals tab should flicker less
- Fix: Make the after crash re-check not re-check torrents that already finished in that session
- Fix: Never create torrents with more than 64k pieces.
- Fix: RSS Favorites list bug
- Fix: Resize some labels to make more space
- Fix: Setting upload/download limit uses the currently active limit
- Fix: Shift+Click now works properly in scheduler.
- Fix: Superseeding should work better
- Fix: The label entry box in the BC-style dialog is too short
- Fix: Wrap comments field
uTorrent 1.6 RC1 Imágenes
uTorrent 1 Construye
- uTorrent 3.4.3 Build 40097
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 39586
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 38758
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 38656
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 38429
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 38397
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 38257
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 37951
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 37754
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 37594
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 37248
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 36802
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 36615
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 36318
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 36044
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 35702
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 35141
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 34944
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 34727
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 34309
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 34024
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 33870
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 33497
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 33394
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 33254
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 33080
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 33023
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 32891
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 32770 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 32691
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 32549
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 32506
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 32354
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 32343
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 32326 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 32247 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 32239
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 32176 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 32140 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 32126
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 32099 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 32080
- uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 31952 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 31893
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 31867 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 31861 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 31859 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 31772 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 31745 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 31743
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 31645 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 31633
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 31623 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 31615 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 31574 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 31522 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.2 build 31515
- uTorrent 3.4.1 build 31525 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.1 build 31356
- uTorrent 3.4.1 Build 31224 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.1 Build 30946 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.1 Build 30916 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.1 Build 30870
- uTorrent 3.4.1 Build 30768
- uTorrent 3.4.1 Build 30746 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.1 Build 30724 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.1 Build 30722 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.1 Build 30716 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.1 Build 30703 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.1 Build 30690 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.1 Build 30615 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.1 Build 30611 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.1 Build 30602 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.1 Build 30594 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.1 Build 30591 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.1 Build 30552 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.1 Build 30519 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4.1 Build 30499 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4 Build 30635
- uTorrent 3.4 Build 30620
- uTorrent 3.4 Build 30596 (RC)
- uTorrent 3.4 Build 30596
- uTorrent 3.4 Build 30553 (RC 3)
- uTorrent 3.4 Build 30543 (RC 5)
- uTorrent 3.4 Build 30460 (RC)
- uTorrent 3.4 Build 30444 (RC 3)
- uTorrent 3.4 Build 30345 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4 Build 30338 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4 Build 30331 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4 Build 30304 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4 Build 30272 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4 Build 30255 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.4 Build 30226 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.3.2 Build 30586
- uTorrent 3.3.2 Build 30570
- uTorrent 3.3.2 Build 30544
- uTorrent 3.3.2 Build 30488
- uTorrent 3.3.2 Build 30416
- uTorrent 3.3.2 Build 30131 (RC 3)
- uTorrent 3.3.2 Build 30122 (RC 2)
- uTorrent 3.3.2 Build 30111 (Beta) (RC1)
- uTorrent 3.3.2 Build 30100 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.3.2 Build 30092 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.3.2 Build 30067 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.3.2 Build 30062 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.3.2 Build 29976 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.3.2 Build 29944 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.3.2 Build 29806 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.3.1 Build 30017
- uTorrent 3.3.1 Build 29988
- uTorrent 3.3.1 Build 29812
- uTorrent 3.3.1 Build 29801 (RC 1)
- uTorrent 3.3.1 Build 29782 (RC 1)
- uTorrent 3.3.1 Build 29756 (RC 1)
- uTorrent 3.3.1 Beta 29105
- uTorrent 3.3 RC1
- uTorrent 3.3 Build 29677
- uTorrent 3.3 Build 29625
- uTorrent 3.3 Build 29609
- uTorrent 3.3 Build 29533
- uTorrent 3.3 Build 29462
- uTorrent 3.3 Build 29342
- uTorrent 3.3 Build 29333
- uTorrent 3.3 Build 29126
- uTorrent 3.3 Build 29111
- uTorrent 3.3 Build 29082
- uTorrent 3.3 Build 29038
- uTorrent 3.3 Beta 28993
- uTorrent 3.3 Beta 28965
- uTorrent 3.3 Beta 28918
- uTorrent 3.3 Beta 28910
- uTorrent 3.3 Beta 28883
- uTorrent 3.3 Beta 28854
- uTorrent 3.3 Beta 28830
- uTorrent 3.3 Beta 28763
- uTorrent 3.2.3 Build 28705
- uTorrent 3.2.2 RC2
- uTorrent 3.2.2 RC1
- uTorrent 3.2.2 Build 28705
- uTorrent 3.2.2 Build 28595
- uTorrent 3.2.2 Build 28500
- uTorrent 3.2.2 Build 28198 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.2.2 Build 28138 (Beta 2)
- uTorrent 3.2.2 Build 27026 Beta
- uTorrent 3.2.2 Build 27020 Beta
- uTorrent 3.2.2 Build 26986 Beta
- uTorrent 3.2.2 Build 26904 Beta
- uTorrent 3.2.2 Build 26883 Beta
- uTorrent 3.2.2 Beta 28379
- uTorrent 3.2.2 Beta 28326
- uTorrent 3.2.2 Beta 28246
- uTorrent 3.2.2 Beta 28198
- uTorrent 3.2.2 Beta 28138
- uTorrent 3.2.2 Beta 28110
- uTorrent 3.2.1 RC2
- uTorrent 3.2.1 RC1
- uTorrent 3.2.1 Build 28086
- uTorrent 3.2.1 Beta 28012
- uTorrent 3.2.1 Beta 27999
- uTorrent 3.2.1 Beta 27972
- uTorrent 3.2.1 Beta 27950
- uTorrent 3.2.1 Beta 27718
- uTorrent 3.2.1 Beta 27605
- uTorrent 3.2.1 Beta 27554
- uTorrent 3.2 RC7
- uTorrent 3.2 RC6
- uTorrent 3.2 RC5
- uTorrent 3.2 RC4
- uTorrent 3.2 RC3
- uTorrent 3.2 RC2
- uTorrent 3.2 RC1
- uTorrent 3.2 Build 27886
- uTorrent 3.2 Build 27850
- uTorrent 3.2 Build 27825
- uTorrent 3.2 Build 27708
- uTorrent 3.2 Build 27636
- uTorrent 3.2 Build 27568
- uTorrent 3.2 Build 27547
- uTorrent 3.2 Build 27295 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.2 Build 27226 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.2 Build 27026 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.2 Build 26986
- uTorrent 3.2 Build 26904 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.2 Beta 27295
- uTorrent 3.2 Beta 27272
- uTorrent 3.2 Beta 27239
- uTorrent 3.2 Beta 27226
- uTorrent 3.2 Beta 27215
- uTorrent 3.2 Beta 27198
- uTorrent 3.2 Beta 27191
- uTorrent 3.2 Beta 27180
- uTorrent 3.2 Beta 27138
- uTorrent 3.2 Beta 27133
- uTorrent 3.2 Beta 27119
- uTorrent 3.2 Beta 27097
- uTorrent 3.2 Beta 27026
- uTorrent 3.2 Beta 27020
- uTorrent 3.2 Beta 26986
- uTorrent 3.2 Beta 26934
- uTorrent 3.2 Beta 26904
- uTorrent 3.2 Beta 26883
- uTorrent 3.2 Beta 26850
- uTorrent
- uTorrent 3.1.3 Build 27498
- uTorrent 3.1.3 Build 27443
- uTorrent 3.1.3 Build 27385
- uTorrent 3.1.3 build 27327
- uTorrent 3.1.3 Build 27237
- uTorrent 3.1.3 Build 27220
- uTorrent 3.1.3 Build 27213
- uTorrent 3.1.3 Build 27207
- uTorrent 3.1.3 Build 27167
- uTorrent 3.1.3 Build 27120
- uTorrent 3.1.3 Build 27099
- uTorrent 3.1.3 Build 27096
- uTorrent 3.1.3 Build 27092
- uTorrent 3.1.3 Build 27081
- uTorrent 3.1.3 Build 27060
- uTorrent 3.1.3 Build 27022
- uTorrent 3.1.3 Build 26994
- uTorrent 3.1.3 Build 26837
- uTorrent 3.1.2 RC4
- uTorrent 3.1.2 RC3
- uTorrent 3.1.2 RC1
- uTorrent 3.1.2 RC 4
- uTorrent 3.1.2 RC 2
- uTorrent 3.1.2 Build 26821
- uTorrent 3.1.2 Build 26773
- uTorrent 3.1.2 Build 26763
- uTorrent 3.1.2 Build 26753
- uTorrent 3.1.2 Build 26749
- uTorrent 3.1.2 Build 26746
- uTorrent 3.1.2 Build 26745
- uTorrent 3.1.2 Build 26740
- uTorrent 3.1.2 Build 26729
- uTorrent 3.1.2 Build 26726
- uTorrent 3.1.2 Build 26710
- uTorrent 3.1.2 Build 26696
- uTorrent 3.1.2 Build 25763
- uTorrent 3.1.2 Beta 26696
- uTorrent 3.1.1 Build 26674 (Beta)
- uTorrent 3.1.1 Beta 26674
- uTorrent 3.1.1 Beta 26666
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent 3.1 RC9
- uTorrent 3.1 RC8
- uTorrent 3.1 RC6
- uTorrent 3.1 RC5
- uTorrent 3.1 RC3
- uTorrent 3.1 RC2
- uTorrent 3.1 RC10
- uTorrent 3.1 RC1
- uTorrent 3.1 Build 26671
- uTorrent 3.1 Build 26650
- uTorrent 3.1 Build 26616
- uTorrent 3.1 build 26595
- uTorrent 3.1 Build 26593
- uTorrent 3.1 Build 26591
- uTorrent 3.1 Beta 26462
- uTorrent 3.1 Beta 25835
- uTorrent 3.0.25505
- uTorrent 3.0.1 Build 25815
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent 64bit
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent 3.0 RC7
- uTorrent 3.0 RC6
- uTorrent 3.0 RC4
- uTorrent 3.0 RC3
- uTorrent 3.0 RC2
- uTorrent 3.0 RC1
- uTorrent 3.0 Build 26473
- uTorrent 3.0 Build 25824
- uTorrent 3.0 Build 25806
- uTorrent 3.0 Build 25756
- uTorrent 3.0 Build 25683
- uTorrent 3.0 Build 25583
- uTorrent 3.0 Build 25570 (x64)
- uTorrent 3.0 Build 25505
- uTorrent 3.0 Build 25460
- uTorrent 3.0 Build 25454
- uTorrent 3.0 Build 25440
- uTorrent 3.0 Build 25422
- uTorrent 3.0 Build 25406
- uTorrent 3.0 Beta 25303
- uTorrent 3.0 Beta 25277
- uTorrent 3.0 Beta 25274
- uTorrent 3.0 Beta 25252
- uTorrent 3.0 Beta 25234
- uTorrent 3.0 Beta 25233
- uTorrent 3.0 Beta 25229
- uTorrent 3.0 Beta 25220
- uTorrent 3.0 64bit
- uTorrent 3.0 (x64)
- uTorrent 3.0 (RC 7)
- uTorrent 3.0 (RC 5)
- uTorrent 3.0 (RC 3)
- uTorrent 3.0
- uTorrent 2.2.23071
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent 2.2.1 RC3
- uTorrent 2.2.1 RC2
- uTorrent 2.2.1 RC1
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Build 25302
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Build 25273
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Build 25249
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Build 25203
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Build 25154
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Build 25130
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Build 25113
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Build 25110
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Build 24217 (Beta)
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Beta 24796
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Beta 24649
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Beta 24567
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Beta 24512
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Beta 24266
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Beta 24217
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Beta 23984
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Beta 23908
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Beta 23858
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Beta 23551
- uTorrent 2.2.1 Beta 23274
- uTorrent 2.2.1
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent 2.2.0 RC6
- uTorrent 2.2.0 RC5
- uTorrent 2.2.0 RC2
- uTorrent 2.2.0 RC1
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Build 24683
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Build 24402
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Build 23774
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Build 23703
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Build 23235
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Build 23071
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 22538
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 22328
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 22187
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 22144
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 22117
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 22007
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 21882
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 21738
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 21710
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 21668
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 21611
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 21409
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 21290
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 21145
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 21090
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 21002
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 20896
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 20813
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 20793
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 20756
- uTorrent 2.2.0 Beta 20663
- uTorrent 2.2
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent 2.0.4 Build 22967
- uTorrent 2.0.4 Build 22450
- uTorrent 2.0.4 Build 22150
- uTorrent 2.0.4 Build 21586
- uTorrent 2.0.4 Build 21515
- uTorrent 2.0.4 Build 21431
- uTorrent 2.0.4
- uTorrent 2.0.3 RC1
- uTorrent 2.0.3 Build 21177
- uTorrent 2.0.3 Build 20664
- uTorrent 2.0.3 Beta 20558
- uTorrent 2.0.3 Beta 20516
- uTorrent 2.0.3 Beta 20501
- uTorrent 2.0.3 Beta 20367
- uTorrent 2.0.3 Beta 20268
- uTorrent 2.0.3 Beta 20193
- uTorrent 2.0.3 Beta 20091
- uTorrent 2.0.3
- uTorrent
- uTorrent 2.0.2 Build 20165
- uTorrent 2.0.2 Build 19648
- uTorrent 2.0.2
- uTorrent 2.0.1 RC2
- uTorrent 2.0.1 RC1
- uTorrent 2.0.1 Build 19248
- uTorrent 2.0.1 Build 19078
- uTorrent 2.0.1 Beta 18786
- uTorrent 2.0.1 Beta 18758
- uTorrent 2.0.1 Beta 18723
- uTorrent 2.0.1 Beta 18408
- uTorrent 2.0.1 Beta 18284
- uTorrent 2.0.1 Beta 18244
- uTorrent 2.0.1
- uTorrent
- uTorrent 2.0.0 RC5
- uTorrent 2.0.0 RC4
- uTorrent 2.0.0 RC3
- uTorrent 2.0.0 RC2
- uTorrent 2.0.0 RC1
- uTorrent 2.0.0 Beta 17539
- uTorrent 2.0.0 Beta 17427
- uTorrent 2.0.0 Beta 17341
- uTorrent 2.0.0 Beta 17273
- uTorrent 2.0.0 Beta 17188
- uTorrent 2.0.0 Beta 17127
- uTorrent 2.0.0 Beta 16850
- uTorrent 2.0.0 Beta 16666
- uTorrent 2.0.0 Beta 16625
- uTorrent 2.0.0 Beta 16546
- uTorrent 2.0.0 Beta 16515
- uTorrent 2.0.0 Beta 16407
- uTorrent 2.0.0 Beta 16394
- uTorrent 2.0.0 Beta 16222
- uTorrent 2.0.0 Beta 16126
- uTorrent 2.0 Build 18620
- uTorrent 2.0 Build 18488
- uTorrent 2.0 Build 18296
- uTorrent 2.0 Build 17920
- uTorrent 2.0 Beta
- uTorrent 2.0 (beta)
- uTorrent 2.0
- uTorrent 1.9 Beta 14908
- uTorrent 1.8.5 RC3
- uTorrent 1.8.5 RC2
- uTorrent 1.8.5 RC1
- uTorrent 1.8.5 Build 17414
- uTorrent 1.8.5 Build 17091
- uTorrent 1.8.5
- uTorrent 1.8.4 Build 16688
- uTorrent 1.8.4 Build 16667
- uTorrent 1.8.4 Build 16442
- uTorrent 1.8.4 Build 16381
- uTorrent 1.8.4 Build 16301
- uTorrent 1.8.4 Build 16286
- uTorrent 1.8.4 Build 16150
- uTorrent 1.8.4
- uTorrent 1.8.3 Build 16010
- uTorrent 1.8.3 Build 15772
- uTorrent 1.8.3 Build 15728
- uTorrent 1.8.3 Build 15658
- uTorrent 1.8.3 Build 15638
- uTorrent 1.8.3 Beta 15619
- uTorrent 1.8.3 Beta 15589
- uTorrent 1.8.3 Beta 15571
- uTorrent 1.8.3 Beta 15562
- uTorrent 1.8.3 Beta 15520
- uTorrent 1.8.3 Beta 15358
- uTorrent 1.8.3 Beta 15289
- uTorrent 1.8.3 Beta 15104
- uTorrent 1.8.3 Beta 14984
- uTorrent 1.8.3 Beta 14809
- uTorrent 1.8.3 Beta 14755
- uTorrent 1.8.3 Beta 14715
- uTorrent 1.8.3
- uTorrent 1.8.2 Build 15357
- uTorrent 1.8.2 Build 15296
- uTorrent 1.8.2 Build 15285
- uTorrent 1.8.2 Build 15227
- uTorrent 1.8.2 Build 15167
- uTorrent 1.8.2 Build 14458
- uTorrent 1.8.2 Build 14153
- uTorrent 1.8.2
- uTorrent 1.8.1 RC1
- uTorrent 1.8.1 Build 12639
- uTorrent 1.8.1 Build 12616
- uTorrent 1.8.1 Beta 12323
- uTorrent 1.8.1 Beta 12320
- uTorrent 1.8.1 Beta 12154
- uTorrent 1.8.1 Beta 12132
- uTorrent 1.8.1 Beta 12083
- uTorrent 1.8.1 Beta 12024
- uTorrent 1.8.1 Beta 11962
- uTorrent 1.8.1 Beta 11903
- uTorrent 1.8.1 Beta 11882
- uTorrent 1.8.1
- uTorrent 1.8.0
- uTorrent 1.8 RC7
- uTorrent 1.8 RC6
- uTorrent 1.8 RC5
- uTorrent 1.8 RC4
- uTorrent 1.8 RC1
- uTorrent 1.8 Build 11813
- uTorrent 1.8 Build 11758
- uTorrent 1.8 Beta 9704
- uTorrent 1.8 Beta 9599
- uTorrent 1.8 Beta 9578
- uTorrent 1.8 Beta 9363
- uTorrent 1.8 Beta 9360
- uTorrent 1.8 Beta 9272
- uTorrent 1.8 Beta 9137
- uTorrent 1.8 Beta 11140
- uTorrent 1.8 Beta 10853
- uTorrent 1.8 Beta 10843
- uTorrent 1.8 Beta 10770
- uTorrent 1.8 Beta 10524
- uTorrent 1.8 Beta 10504
- uTorrent 1.8 Beta 10416
- uTorrent 1.8 Beta 10364
- uTorrent 1.8 Beta 10198
- uTorrent 1.8 Beta 10093
- uTorrent 1.8 Beta 10054
- uTorrent 1.7.7
- uTorrent 1.7.6
- uTorrent 1.7.5
- uTorrent 1.7.4
- uTorrent 1.7.3
- uTorrent 1.7.2
- uTorrent 1.7.1
- uTorrent 1.7 RC6
- uTorrent 1.7 RC5
- uTorrent 1.7 RC2
- uTorrent 1.7 RC1
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 2951
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 2922
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 2740
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 2585
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 2539
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 2517
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 2465
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 2448
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 2248
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 2228
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 1977
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 1952
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 1875
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 1703
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 1672
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 1625
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 1552
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 1355
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 1170
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 1137
- uTorrent 1.7 Build 1065
- uTorrent 1.7
- uTorrent 1.6.1 Build 490
- uTorrent 1.6.1 Build 489
- uTorrent 1.6.1 Build 488
- uTorrent 1.6 Build 474
- uTorrent 1.6
- uTorrent 1.5.1 Beta 466
- uTorrent 1.5.1 Beta 465
- uTorrent 1.5.1 Beta 464
- uTorrent 1.5.1 Beta 463
- uTorrent 1.5.1 Beta 462
- uTorrent 1.5.1 Beta 460
- uTorrent 1.5.1 Beta 456
- uTorrent 1.5 Build 437
- uTorrent 1.5 Build 436
- uTorrent 1.5
- uTorrent 1.4.2 Beta
- uTorrent 1.4.2
- uTorrent 1.4.1 Beta
- uTorrent 1.4
- uTorrent 1.3.2 Beta
- uTorrent 1.3.1 Beta
- uTorrent 1.3
- uTorrent 1.2.3 Beta 358
- uTorrent 1.2.2
- uTorrent 1.2.1
- uTorrent 1.2
- uTorrent
- uTorrent
- uTorrent 1.1.7
- uTorrent
- uTorrent 1.1.6
- uTorrent 1.1.5
- uTorrent 1.1.4
- uTorrent 1.1.3
uTorrent Comentarios