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Trillian 0.635
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Trillian 0.635 Cambio de registro
- IMs: allow reconnections by clicking certain statuses. set to this status when coming online.
- IMs: reset proxy phase through reconnects. should fix the 'only really reconnects once' bug, but i'll need verification from proxy users.
- IRC: added ability to stay in group when reconnecting.
- IRC: When you right click on a nick in nicklist make 'Add to contact list' appear in the list
- IRC: added ability to turn off PING/PONG stuff in prefs.
- IRC: quirk with topic change messages and "%" characters fixed.
- IMs: 'click here to change password for this connection' link was sort of broken. fixed.
- IMs: moved auto-connection to the connection manager. you can now specify multiple accounts to use on startup in each medium.
- AIM/ICQ: select() error should be gone, replaced with a more user-friendly error message. i'm still not sure why logins are being rejected. :( server full condition maybe?
- IMs: fixed "/me " bug
- ICQ: increased the size for the authorization request reason.
- IMs: have conn_reset mark everyone as offline no matter what
- AIM: fixed aim autoconect profile always using trillian user
- AIM: fixed broken support for SN's with spaces
- IMs: updating INI saving routines to hopefully speed things up a bit.
- IRC: fix /who bug
- IRC: fix /quit bug
- ICQ: fixed a bug with IM echoing when your nickname wasn't set.
- ICQ: added "view user Information" and "Add to Contacts" buttons to authorization request window.
- ICQ: error code 4 seems to be a password length issue. prevent ICQ users from entering > 8 characters.
- AIM: fixed capability block displaying under strange cap availability.
- AIM: added days support to idle/away time printing.
- IMs: added customizable reconnection preferences (# of attempts / time to wait between attempts)
- IRC: download directory checks for trailing '\'.
- MSN: fixed bug with online/offline status not reporting correctly in yet another "strange case".
- MSN: cleaned up some of the blocking/unblocking code.
- Y!: fixed crash on buddy add.
- IRC: fixed a few bugs... perform buffers were being limited in size due to server entities being limited in size. infinite timers were also broken. all is well.
- ICQ: looks like ICQ is beginning to implement server-side contact list storage. make sure trillian doesn't attempt to fetch lists for ICQ connections because it prints the "list not available" error.
- AIM/ICQ: force all sequence numbers to 1 on service creation. not sure why i'm doing this, but i'm testing something.
- AIM: don't send auto-responses *to* auto-responses. :)
- fixed IRC bug on
- IRC: disable max opcode checking in script until further notice. this was just a lame little counter i added, not realizing that bot-like scripts would trigger this after a while.
- IRC: fixed return value of pos() in a str2 not within str1 condition.
- ALL: fixed SOCKS5.
- AIM: show 'away' in tooltip
- MSN: added 'add to contact list' button in GTC ask dialog.
- AIM: removed warning level messageboxes since they're annoying. dump to console instead.
- ICQ: set us as 'not available for chat' until chat is added.
- MSN: fixed some stupid case sensitivity bugs.
- IRC: added trailling \r\n to identd responses.
- AIM: updated offline cb to clear tooltip properly. why was i doing it the way i was?
- MSN: fixed blocking when using block/unblock from query windows.
- MSN: fixed buddy alert icon not showing up.
- ALL: buddy alert icon was showing up if you didn't actually set one in some cases.
- Y!: fixed buddy alert icon not showing up.
- IRC: cleaned up the preferences dialogs a bunch.
- IRC: moved flood control to "Misc".
- IRC: added an exclusion list to flood protection. ChanServ, NickServ in by default.
- IRC: added CTCP VOICE capability to the friends list. i totally forgot to code this. :)
- ICQ: fixed web aware support.
- IRC: added ability to ping channels.
- AIM/ICQ: auto-responses now have special character %N, which represents the display name of a buddy. so %n might equal 23423423 while %N might equal "Bob".
- ICQ: print a happier message when you receive a greeting card in ICQ. i'll do these for v0.64
- IRC: added a way to specify the server you connect to on startup. this will get better later, meaning you'll be able to specify more than one server ala the new IM controls.
- MSN: display names weren't being updated properly on ILN messages.
- MSN: added toggle for username/friendlyname display in the contact list.
- IRC: added @/+ display to echoed text in channels
- MSN: fixed a bunch of stuff with window creation.
- IRC: fixed some bugs with DCC sends & chats.
- Y!: ignore messages that come from our nicknames. temp solution i'd guess for the strange echoing thing.
- IMs: state is saved on disconnects and program stop/starts.
- ICQ: i think invisibility works now for some odd reason. go figure. i must have coded it while i was sleeping.
- IMs: ensure we never set ourselves idle when we're already away on mediums where idle is a standalone status.
- IMs: added status icons for icon holder for all mediums.
- IMs: added tooltip error messages during connection failures.
- ICQ: adding a contact from the search results lists resulted in no nickname lookup and an addition list entry. fixed.
- IMs: standardized wording for "connect on startup" in wizards.
- IRC: deleting a server in the connection manager didn't update the textbox properly. fixed.
- AIM: set get member info box to "Retrieving information" upon OK.
- MSN: if you were idle and set yourself back, you would never go idle again.
- AIM: "Get Member Info" also updates the tooltips to avoid discrepancies.
- ALL: tabs and default buttons for all windows.
- MSN: cap display name length.
- ICQ: clean up 'about' dialog title to make more sense.
- ICQ: "you have been disconnected" didn't get printed to windows properly.
- Y!: fixed crash with adding a contact to "Root".
- ICQ: updated find by name & address menu item to read "find by details"
- Y!/ICQ: invisible connections won't auto-respond.
- MSN: away&idle states for buddies wasn't handled properly in multiple connection environments.
- AIM: if someone was on your blocked user list, but you weren't blocking him/her, blocking in right click wouldn't work. fixed.
- IRC: auto-rejoin on kick uses keys when applicable.
- ICQ: don't send auto responses for being idle, since we never technically are.
- IMs: fixed potential 100% CPU utilization bug on reconnect.
- MSN: display names weren't being updated if the user was away. fixed.
- IRC: channel manager wouldn't let you change a topic if you were not opped and channel was -t.
- MSN/Y!: make sure that setting yourself to available resets idle counters.
- ICQ: fixed importing bug in wizard if files were in specified directory and not a sub directory branging off it.
- MSN: reset connection properly on 911 password error. why is this being randmly sent to us?
- Fixed: Tab ordering in global away dialog
- Change: initial size defaults to 370x260
- Feature: Activated minx/miny in dcc.xml
- Change: Updated prefs in talk to have diff example for timestamps
- Feature: Option for up/down always to activate history
- Fixed: MSN Foreign characters should work (copy/paste will be strange if they are there for a few releases)
- Feature: Pref to only play inbound sounds if not in focus
- Fixed: a bunch of multimonitor stuff (still not docking)
- Fixed: prefs should save faster
- Change: last screen of install wizard: setup -> set up
- Change: updates on reload (of trillian) for taskbar pref
- Fixed: crash on moving buddies
- Feature: extra information for groups
- Feature: edit box matches font in display area
- Change: URL Grabber limited to 200 links (customizeable soon)
- Fixed: Setting focus from the taskbar does not work in buddy
- Preferences: Removed component setup for now
- Functionality Change: Initial consoles autoattach
- Fixed: removed one thing that may cause crash on load crash
- Feature: novice/advanced modes
- Fixed: bug with IRC putinfo not appearing in colors.ini
- Skins: Fixed: visible tag with buddy-list control in buddy.xml
- Skins: Feature: added minx/miny support to buddy component
- Skins: Fixed: Menu skin works with non 2 pixel sized border
- Feature: added Enter and Escape key to menus
- Skins: Feature: mainregion in menu listing is now activated
- fixed: alt-f4 bug in buddy
- Dcc: Fixed crash with a bad skin
- Dcc: Visible tag now works for list
- Skins: no hard code of nicklist icons
- Skins: Added a nick_scrollbar for channels
- Functionality Change: Organized collapsing/expanding list right click options
- Feature: right click->move to folder for list controls
- Functionality Change: Moved background right click for windows to Options
- Feature: right click->console menu for all chat windows
- Fixed: on add menu, select top medium
- Feature: Page up/down in talk windows
- Feature: right click->close in you're on
- Feature: https/ftp links
- Feature: ctrl-shift-a loads buddy list
- Functionality Change: Your nick change is not echoed twice in channels
- Fixed: Flash initial window
- Feature: right click->view log in all windows
- Feature: stop flashing after a little bit pref
- Feature: dont flash channels
- Functionality Change: use system tray is on by default
- Feature: switch what does double click in systray
- Feature: always show buddy on systray click (not toggle) as an option
- Fixed: No longer requires a click to activate resizing on contact list
- Functionailty Change: Taskbar entry for contact list is no longer default
- Feature: added Docking support to contact list
- Feature: added docking menu to right click of contact list
- Feature: added extra information section to each buddy. Currently note only.
- Fixed: Prefs are now saved when the operating system shuts down and trillian is running
- Skins: Feature: add buddy text colors based on status (foreground/background)
- Feature: If a window is requested and already opened, bring to front
- Feature: minimize button in contact list
- Feature: icon holder contact list
- Feature: disconnect/reconnect all right click
- Feature: show last time online in the tooltip
- Feature: You're on -> close channel
- Fixed: Only one connection manager is allowed at any one time
- Feature: Connection manager open now doesnt stop toolbar and main window
- Feature: Buddy organization enabled
- Feature: Added the Trillian button to contact list
- Fixed: no messed up talk writes to ini (should fix not saving right for some windows)
- Feature: added 'get skins' button to prefs
- Fixed: resize icon changes correctly on top of medium icons
- Feature: Dont base positions on old positions pref
- Feature: new closing screen
- Feature: new loading screen
- Fixed: links, if you right click..get another link, they are screwed up
- Feature: detach all/attach all (prefs)
- Fixed: multiline away messages are now saved correctly
- Fixed: Crash with a bad contact list entry (no text)
- Fixed: scrollbar up button click, move off, let go, it still goes up (main win)
- Fixed: fix right click double click in systray (it was a microsoft bug, how annoying)
- Fixed: Resizing bug fixed. Resizing now resizes with an offset. Items fixed: random resizing when a window is clicked, click-let-go will not resize unless moved
- Functionality Change: Alt-f4 in a console will hide from now on
- Feature: multiline edit box
- Skins: Fixed: channellist is no longer required for skinning talk
- Functionality Change: Dont rewordwrap on up/down resizing
- Functionality Change: user is typing will disappear if they havent typed in 20 seconds
- Functionality Change: logs use the real name, not the display name
- Fixed: no more mouse over sticking in list and toolbar
- Functionality Change: mousewheel in lists now moves 1/4 page at a time
- Feature: information tooltips for icon holder
- Feature: global connect/reconnect
- Feature: icon holder can do more than connect/disconnected
- Fixed: Maximizing should position better based on actual taskbar pos
- Fixed: right click on a switcher (like medium icons) items dont work
- Functionality Change: Systray is the only option in novice mode
- Feature: new uninstall icon
- Feature: More emoticons!
- Feature: taskbar icons per medium
- Fixed: backgrounds of buttons blue?
- Fixed: some mouse cursor issues with trillian.exe
- Fixed: a lot of potential bugs, crashes, leaks, etc
- Feature: Added a whole bunch more timestamps to irc
- Fixed: Cleaned up some needless bmps from the components
- Fixed: Tabs should work in dialog boxes now
- Fixed: IRC consoles should save their position better
- Feature: Trillian complains if you do not have the trillian button / icon holder
- Fixed: Pasting with tabs will not position cursor right
- Fixed: leaked objects from window deletion
- Feature: The drawer can now vertically resize with the window
- Fixed: idle color didnt go to recent offline on sign off
- Fixed: jspager bug
- Functionality Change: organized windows options a bit in prefs
- Fixed: need error message on clicking info if offline folder is selected
- Fixed: error message when clicking remove and offline folder is selected
- Feature: double click drawer to close should double click to open to the old size
- Fixed: skin dialog will no longer be hidden if alwasy on top is on
- Fixed: no reinstall error message if 'X' is hit on pref based skin chooser
- Feature: move connection dlls out into their own section of prefs!
- Fixed: if main window is shrinked, an internal chat window doesnt rewordwrap
- Functionality Change: connection manager at startup not default anymore
- Fixed: fixed add group focus problem
- Fixed: minimizing a detached window shouldnt refocus a trillian window
- Fixed: in preferecnes section should stay highlited when changing avlues?
- Fixed: current skin is selected in skin chooser
- Feature: ops folder has a tooltip: "Channel Operators"
- Fixed: sometimes the mouseover skipped entries in the list
- Functionality Change: ctrl-up/down for history on multiline edit boxes
- Feature: show main window from the trillian button
- Feature: Show dcc manager from the buddy list
- Fixed: bug where a newline may be tacked onto a link
- Fixed: if only one skin available, choose that
- Fixed: visible=true bug should be fixed
- Fixed: initial buddies should all be "%user% : Offline User"
Trillian 0.635 Imágenes
Trillian 0 Construye
- Trillian Astra
- Trillian Astra
- Trillian Astra
- Trillian Astra
- Trillian Astra
- Trillian Astra
- Trillian Astra
- Trillian Astra
- Trillian Astra
- Trillian Astra
- Trillian Astra
- Trillian 5.5.19 (Beta)
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian
- Trillian
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- Trillian
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
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- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian
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- Trillian
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian (Beta)
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian
- Trillian 3.1
- Trillian 3.0
- Trillian 2.013
- Trillian 0.74I
- Trillian 0.74F
- Trillian 0.74 (Patch f)
- Trillian 0.74
- Trillian 0.73
- Trillian 0.725
- Trillian 0.724C
- Trillian 0.724B
- Trillian 0.724A
- Trillian 0.724 (AIM patch c)
- Trillian 0.724 (AIM patch b)
- Trillian 0.724 (AIM patch a)
- Trillian 0.724
- Trillian 0.723
- Trillian 0.722
- Trillian 0.721
- Trillian 0.72
- Trillian 0.71
- Trillian 0.70
- Trillian 0.635E
- Trillian 0.6351E
- Trillian 0.6351
- Trillian 0.63-n
- Trillian 0.63 N
- Trillian 0.62N
- Trillian 0.62-n
- Trillian 0.61E
- Trillian 0.61
- Trillian 0.60E
- Trillian 0.60
- Trillian 0.521 E
- Trillian 0.521
- Trillian 0.52 E
- Trillian 0.52
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