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ACDSee 2.40
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ACDSee 2.40 Cambio de registro
- + Enhanced printing options, including contact sheet support and print preview.
- + Added support for EMF, SGI, Alias PIX, and Kodak KDC image formats.
- + Added support for TIFF images with 12-bit samples.
- + Added convert to TGA and convert to TIFF support.
- + Added lossless JPEG rotation.
- + Changed path box to a drop down list of recently accessed folders.
- + Added Cache Maintenance function
- + Added option to play WAV sound files
- + Added "Sync to folder" command in viewer.
- + Added "Paste here" command to items in Folder Tree and Favorites List.
- + Added "New sub-folder" command to items in Folder Tree.
- + Added option to show file sizes in KB.
- + Added "Automatically save window pos." Option.
- + Current cursor coordinates / selection dimensions are shown in status bar when <Shift> key is pressed.
- + Added commands to change the magnification of the images displayed in the Move/Copy Replace dialog box.
- + Displays #pages in a multi-page image in detail file list view mode.
- + Added "Defragment cache" command.
- + Added options to show file size and image dimensions together with thumbnails in thumbnail mode.
- + Added /p! command-line option to print without print setup and printer selection dialog boxes popping up.
- + Added /ss and seq:<seq-mode> command-line options.
- + Added /fullscreen command-line option.
- + Added Max. PhotoCD resolution setting.
- + Added support for 64 BASE Photo CD resolution.
- + Modified RenameSeries to support '*' character and escape '\' characters.
- + Added Change timestamp command.
- + Added "Print all..." command to view mode.
- + Added option to always confirm deletion of folders.
- + Added drag support to view mode (drag with right mouse button).
- o Significantly faster decode-and-display
- o Added support for multiple monitors under Win98/Windows 2000
- o Worked around annoying pause when deleting files with IE4/Desktop Update installed.
- o Improved thumbnail quality for B&W bicolor images
- o Improved progress indicator for animated GIF decoding.
- o Changed setup to create shortcut icons in a "ACD Systems" folder. New shortcut icons for Help file and Uninstall. Created shortcut icon folder(s) shown in Explorer window after installation completes.
- o Modified preview command (and auto-preview) to read the header of an unchecked file to see if it is an image.
- o Added "expand all" key <NumPad *> to folder tree.
- o Changed file list info tips to multi-line format and added file description.
- o Modified random slide show to re-randomize on wrap-around.
- o Enhanced toolbars with "Flat" style and background image.
- o When copying files to the clipboard, the full path names are also copied in text format.
- o Enhanced Move/Copy progress dialog with indication source & destination folders, and individual file progress (WinNT only).
- o Non-read-only commands (rename, etc.) are disabled based on root of current path rather than current path.
- o Disable labels editing for items in folder tree that cannot be renamed
- o Single-clicking on the current folder in the folder tree causes a quick-refresh of the file list
- o Added "Create new shortcut" command to context menu of Favorites list.
- o Modified GIF decoder to properly support "87a" animated GIFs.
- o Links to folders are now followed in Slideshow Recursive and Find Images commands.
- o Converted "Look in" box in "Find Images" command to a drop down list
- o Dragging a file from the desktop will now move it by default when you drag to a folder on the system [C] drive.
- o Improved display of CMYK images
- o Added support for 16 BPS PSD
- o Now reads WMF files with missing Aldus headers
- o Can view partial "Find Images" results after prematurely stopping the find operation.
- !! Fixed problem whereby entering small icon view mode from thumbnail mode caused the icons to be incorrectly arranged.
- !! Fixed problem where the dimensions of some JPEG files with embedded thumbnails were not extracted correctly
- !! Fixed access error deleting current folder in folder tree.
- !! Fixed problem when if ACDSee was started in view mode, then maximized, then an image was opened, the window would be hidden.
- !! Fixed bug where new files were not correctly placed at the bottom/top of the file list during an quick or auto-refresh event in thumbnail/icon/small icon mode.
- !! Fixed bug where images dropped on ACDSee's browser window Were not viewed correctly ("Cannot access file" error).
- !! Fixed problem on some systems where, when the "Auto-refresh" option was disabled, the file list was not automatically refreshed after moving files to and Explorer window.
- !! In Find Images function, fixed pattern matching for filename to not assume substring matching when an extension is provided in the filename.
- !! Fixed problem where read-ahead image was not resampled on decode when zoom lock was on with zoom < 100%.
- !! No error message was given if "view all images in folder" is enabled and no argument file specified in the command-line was found.
- !! Fixed bug causing thumbnail cache collisions between different volumes on a removable drive.
- !! Fixed bug MCComparing two images with different colormaps on 256 color systems.
- !! Fixed problem reading PCX images with explicit 16-color palettes where paletteType==0.
- !! Fixed display of some PNG images.
- !! Fixed problem where view window appears after turning Viewer | Show menu option from browse mode.
- !! Fixed problem creating shortcuts in Favorites list when ACDSee is installed in a path that contains a period.
- !! Fixed Rename Series to work with extended characters.
- !! Fixed problem auto-updating file list when "auto column width" is turned on.
- !! File size is now written correctly in BMP file headers.
- !! Fixed bug where changing state of "use system icons" option would turn off image header reading.
- !! Fixed bug where icons where not displayed for images whose headers had not been scanned when "use system icons" option was turned off.
- !! Fixed slowdown reading network file system folders.
- !! Fixed problem deleting/moving/renaming PCD files.
- !! Fixed hanging problem when loading thumbnails for some truncated progressive JPEG images.
- !! Shortcut arrows now shown over shortcut icons on WinNT/IE4.0 systems
- !! Shortcut arrows now correctly shown over thumbnails.
- !! Support for file and drive sizes over 4GB
- !! Fixed Move to/Copy to function to correctly create target paths with UNC names
ACDSee 2.40 Imágenes
ACDSee 2 Construye
- ACDSee 9.0.108
- ACDSee 9.0
- ACDSee 8.1.99
- ACDSee 8.1
- ACDSee 8.0
- ACDSee 7.0
- ACDSee 6.0
- ACDSee 5.01
- ACDSee 5.0.1
- ACDSee 4.02
- ACDSee 4.01
- ACDSee
- ACDSee 3.10
- ACDSee 3.1
- ACDSee 3.0
- ACDSee 2.45 (German)
- ACDSee 2.44 Classic
- ACDSee 2.43
- ACDSee 2.42
- ACDSee 2.41
- ACDSee 2.4
- ACDSee 2.3
- ACDSee 2.22
- ACDSee 2.2
- ACDSee 2.1
- ACDSee 15.1.197
- ACDSee 15.0.169
- ACDSee 14.3.168
- ACDSee 14.2.157
- ACDSee 14.1.137
- ACDSee 14.0.110
- ACDSee 12.0.344
- ACDSee 12.0.342
- ACDSee 11.0.85
- ACDSee 11.0.113
- ACDSee 11.0.108
- ACDSee 10.0.238
- ACDSee 10.0.219
- ACDSee 10
- ACDSee 1.0 for Windows 95
- ACDSee 1.0
ACDSee Comentarios