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Shareaza Cambio de registro
This lists the major changes between r8461 ("Release SSE2.") and r8632 ("Version bumped (SSE2)."). Note that non-informative log messages, such as "Addition to rXXXX.", "Clean-up." and similar messages have been taken out of the list. GUI
- Added new scheduler window. (by siavoshkc) Allows a better control over what Shareaza is doing while running unattended.
- File moving error now shows as a tray message.
- Several icon updates.
- Added St. Patrick's Day and NoBanner example skin.
- Added client version to “Browse Host” window title.
- Fixed search dialog's overlapped Shareaza logo.
- Fixed ugly colors of highlighted icons (for example icons of Library Organizer view).
- Fixed semi-transparent "?" under icons in Library album view.
- Added ability to select all files in any library view by Ctrl + A keys
- Added ability to delete ghost files by "Clear History Now" button in Settings dialog.
- Dialog banner and Media Window logo now skinable (including their complete hiding). Some .bmp resources converted to .png ones with size reduction.
- Fixed not fit long lines in Select dialog.
- Fixed unused "Gnutella 1" option in Host Browse dialog, now Shareaza will ask G1-only browses under this option.
- Media Player Settings now keep track of three external media handlers.
- Changed chat behavior: now "away" status will not disconnect chat session. Also changed chat log formatting.
- Fixed lost first symbol when text copied to clipboard.
- Fixed IRC window updating after IRC settings change.
- Changed IRC window layout (removed header for better view on small screen resolutions).
- Added IRC user menu "Browse" item (via "USERINFO" CTCP message).
- Implemented full URL detection in IRC window.
- Added IRC channel list preserving even in disconnected state.
- Added timestamps to IRC status window.
- Fixed minor bugs.
- Added CRichViewCtrl::GetWordFromPoint method. Extended CEmoticons::FormatText method. Changed some IRC icons.
- G2: Added "PCH" (G2_PACKET_PEER_CHAT) packet to host browser packet flow to flag chat capabilities.
- gnutella: Fixed maximum hits per packet (now 255, default is 64) for gnutella.
- Gnutella: Fix not connecting to original gnutella due to stale cache as expired hosts were not being removed (r8492)
- BitTorrent: Optimization of "Extension for Peers to Send Metadata Files" (BitTorrent Specs BEP0009) by ivan386.
- BitTorrent: Acept source without peer id + torrentless download (Forum Link) by ivan386
- Optimise endgame piece selection and reduce download overhead while in endgame.
- Enforced GIV/PUSH headers checks.
Crash fixes
- Fixed crash caused by bad Chinese translation.
- Fixed search window scroll crash.
- Fixed crash on search window close.
- Fixed rare crash when Uploads tip "stuck".
- Fixed rare crash on skin change (access synchronization error).
- Fixed rare crash on multi-file torrent reopening.
- Fixed rare crash on multiple search preview requests.
- Fixed rare divide-by-zero crash on upload queue rotation
- Fixed Host Browser rare crash.
Feature/bug fixes
- Fixed "always connected network" bug when seeded torrents present and AutoSeed option is on
- Fixed unneeded sources addition for completed downloads.
- Fixed potential problems found by MSVC Analyzer (including "large files" compatibility).
- Fixed "Close after transfer complete" feature (now without disconnection).
- Fixed avatar loading in host browse window.
- Fix paused state of downloads not being saved when modified
- Fix creation of zero length files when files/folders are renamed/deleted outside of Shareaza's control
- Fixed Shareaza and plugins registration under active User Access Control (UAC).
- Fixed Library synchronization. (on several places; also avoids some possible crashes)
- Fixed Shareaza hibernation (added network core reconnection after resuming from suspend or hibernation).
- RegExp stability fix. Changed insecure alloca() to more robust malloc() function.
- Fixed missed strings for media player Speed, Volume and Position controls.
- Added more strict checks for skins and so fixed some skins.
Internal optimizations
- Fixed extra sources of completed but still moving downloads.
- Eliminated unneeded source code dependencies of CBuffer, CBENode and CXML* classes to simplify its use in another projects.
- Removed "BitTorrent.TorrentExtraKeys" option since its always "true".
- Optimized local search engine (fixed potential crash on neighbor disconnection; removed library file metadata dependencies).
- Implemented asynchronous searches.
- Added plugin cache for all plugin types (earlier it was for ImageService plugins only) to improve metadata extraction speed.
- Improved crashed plugins reload process.
- Optimized drawing of download sources
- Optimized fragment list traversals
- Optimized CDownloadWithTiger::GetWantedFragmentList() function by adding cache.
- Optimized tray icon operations.
- Optimized download status text code (in download window and in remote interface).
- Optimized Neighbors core (single CList<> replaced by two Cmaps<>).
- Improved reaction speed on new hits in search window.
- Optimized Host Cache methods.
- Optimized packet dump window.
- Optimized schema cache code.
- Optimized library dictionary code (also it fixes rare Shareaza exit crash).
- Optimized host cache code (removed extra 8 times per second checks of all G2-hosts inside Search manager). Host cache now checks by Network core and one time per minute only.Optimized network names resolver.HashLib optimization for non-assembler (including 64-bit) compilation on VS 2008.slightly redesigned and optimized queue code
- Some optimisations were made to timing mechanism of on timer calls. Reduces CPU usage.
- Updated save/restore scripts of Shareaza registry.
- Updated Shareaza Chinese (Simplified) translation (by dxrayb).
- Updated Russian translation
- Updated English language files
- Added Windows Media Player object as another MediaPlayer plugin "engine". So now it can be compiled in two different ways: with WMP or with DirectShow.
- Fixed all translations (Dialog banner and Media Window) and added "update.cmd" script for complete rebuilding of all translations using default-en.xml and corresponding .po-files only (msgmerge.exe is a utility from Poedit application).
Shareaza Imágenes
Shareaza 2 Construye
- Shareaza (x64)
- Shareaza
- Shareaza (x64)
- Shareaza
- Shareaza (x64)
- Shareaza
- Shareaza (x64)
- Shareaza
- Shareaza (x64)
- Shareaza
- Shareaza (x64)
- Shareaza
- Shareaza
- Shareaza
- Shareaza
- Shareaza
- Shareaza
- Shareaza
- Shareaza (x64)
- Shareaza
- Shareaza
- Shareaza RC2
- Shareaza RC1
- Shareaza Beta
- Shareaza Beta
- Shareaza Beta
- Shareaza Beta
- Shareaza
- Shareaza Beta
- Shareaza
- Shareaza
- Shareaza
- Shareaza Beta
- Shareaza
- Shareaza 2.1
- Shareaza
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