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Comodo Internet Security 5.0.162636 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Comodo Internet Security 5.0.162636  Cambio de registro

* NEW! Spyware Scanner detects and cleans malware infections in PC registry and disks
* NEW! Cloud based Antivirus detects malicious file even if virus defintions not up-to-date
* NEW! Cloud based Behavior Analysis system can detect zero-day malware INSTANTLY
* NEW! Cloud based Whitelisting of trusted publisher easily identifies a safe file and vendor
* NEW! Game Mode to suppress alerts, updates and scans from interfering with gaming
* NEW! Heuristic detection identifies real file behind requests of “interpreter” applications
* NEW! Application Control for users to restrict execution to known good applications only
* IMPROVED! Windows Compatibility from new Sandbox default application isolation level
* IMPROVED! Application Compatibility with easily identified safe files and trusted vendors
* IMPROVED! User Interface with new status allows instant user action to reported events

Comodo Internet Security 5 Construye

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